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Different growing mixtures, cultivars and timing makes the difference between
Greenhouses – Types, Suitability, Cleaning, Heating and Lighting
There are steel greenhouses as well as plastic, aluminium and
Greenhouse Electrics & Growing Cabinet
Both greenhouses are connected to the mains electricity with 3 KW heaters in each as well as bench heating and
Advances in Potatoes and Tips on Growing them
One vegetable that I feel has improved immensely over the past few years is the potato, the standard which is
Preparing the Vegetable Beds for Next Year
Now is the perfect time to be getting on with preparing the beds for next year. Before you rush out
Judging Collections
The collections I’m referring to are those such as the ones for six kinds of vegetables three of each kind
Any other kind of vegetable not mentioned in the schedule
Many shows throughout the country have a class for “Any other kind of vegetable not mentioned in their schedule” and
Cleanliness in the Exhibition Garden
It’s important that all the beds in the garden whether they be onion, leeks, carrots, parsnips etc. are well and
Avoiding Celery Heart Rot
For the past few years celery has been one vegetable that I have failed to exhibit at any of the
Potato Growing in Polythene Pots and Bags
Three varieties were planted, Kestrel, Mona Lisa and Winston and they grew away almost immediately with very strong haulms. As
Weight of Onions for different Shows
The art of knowing when to pull the onions is important so that when they have completely dried up, they
Planning for Next Year – Onion Beds
It may appear to be early days yet for planning for next year but time will soon catch up as