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Tips on Growing Vegetables for Showing – Part 1
Regardless of whatever weather is thrown at us, we still
Produce for Chelsea
It’s all too easy to take everything for granted now that I have won three gold medals on the run
Sowing Exhibition Long Carrots
Unlike many other exhibition vegetables such as leeks, celery and onions where there is the constant work of potting them
Exhibition Celery, Onions and Tomatoes
My first sowing of celery is now ready for moving on into their final pots which are 5″ square plastic
Artificial Lighting and Photosynthesis
Why do plants therefore respond to this added light source that makes them grow at a much faster rate than
F1 Hybrid Exhibition Onions
Most of the onions that I intend to grow are from seed that were sown a week before Christmas and
The Onion Beds
Soil samples from the Onion Beds had been sent away for analysis earlier on and the readings on their return
Winston and Kestrel Show Potatoes
The potatoes have chitted well this year and as I am concentrating my efforts on only two banker varieties I
Success with Tomatoes
I haven’t had much success over the past few years with tomatoes, and I must admit that it’s probably becasue
Germinating Parsnips
I worry more about the seed of parsnips germinating than any other vegetable seed; they can be so erratic, and
Artificial Lighting, Soil Warming Cable and Watering System
The artificial lights that the onions have been growing under for sixteen hours every day, right from the day they