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Covers for Carrot Beds and EEC Regulations on Pesticides
Might I suggest that you build yourself a temporary cover
Small Onions + Revised Judges Guide
Last week I mentioned the growing of small onions for the very popular class of under 250 grams or the
Getting ready for the Parsnips
I have been pondering long and hard regarding the mixes that I intend to use and in the end, after
Growing Your Own Vegetables – Cucumbers
There are not many things that are more rewarding or more satisfying than growing your own vegetables. Supermarket vegetables may
Size, Quality and Uniformity for Show Vegetables
For any up and coming young (or even young at heart) show person, my initial advice at first would be
Growing Your Own Vegetables – Potatoes
If you have a large vegetable garden then I would suggest that you grow the three classification of potatoes, First
Covering Your Onions and Tomato Seedlings
The soil is rarely in good condition at this time of year and a check to their growth pattern being
Growing Your Own Vegetables – Parsnips and Brassicas
The Parsnip, just like it’s close family member the carrot, is a biennial. In other words it produces it’s long
A Tribute to one of the Masters of growing Runner Beans
A couple of weeks ago one of the great Masters of growing Runner Beans passed away; Brython Stenner from Cefn
A Very Demanding Month in the Garden
Not only is the vegetable area time consuming and demanding, the lawns want cutting, the borders want weeding and hoeing
Potatoes – Varieties , Bags, Top Mix and Bottom Mix
Those of you who have had your potatoes a while back should by now have had them well chitted and