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Tips on Growing Vegetables for Showing – Part 1
Regardless of whatever weather is thrown at us, we still
Growing Your Own Vegetables – Exhibiting
Believe me there is nothing more enjoyable and satisfying than growing your own vegetables and then having a go with
The Top Growers in the Country
There is no doubt that the top growers of Vegetables in this country have got to where they are because
Growing Your Own Vegetables – Saving Seeds
Get free seed from your own vegetable plot and it’s not as difficult as you might think. However before you
Polytunnels & Heated Greenhouses
The use of Polytunnels, heated greenhouses and the use of re selected seed as well as the newer F1 hybrid
Growing Your Own Vegetables – Problem Weeds
Weeds can be so invasive and devastating in the vegetable garden, indeed it is often the one reason why people
Leeks, Peas and Celery
It’s time to think ahead slightly to next year, particularly if you are going to produce your own leeks from
Tullamore Show – Southern Ireland
On the 11th August I was over in Southern Ireland judging their biggest one day show at Tullamore. It was
Prize Winners at the Welsh Championships
The Welsh Championships, which were held over the August Bank holiday weekend, proved to be a truly fantastic show. I
Harrogate Autumn Show 2002
What a superb show the Harrogate Autumn really is, a treasure for all keen gardeners and the competition on the
Newent Onion Fayre
After judging the Newent Show last year I persuaded the committee to alter the schedule somewhat and introduce leeks, chives,