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Covers for Carrot Beds and EEC Regulations on Pesticides
Might I suggest that you build yourself a temporary cover
Long Carrots & Leeks
One bad fault that I sometimes see in a set of exhibited carrots is a specimen that has developed a
Finding space for some Lettuce
There should be some room in your plot by now where the early peas have been harvested or perhaps where
Starburst Trench Celery and other F1 Hybrids
The introduction of F1 Hybrids has moved celery growing dramtically forward. Prior to there breeding the only real and reliable
Outstanding Large Onions
This year I went the extra mile in potting the plants on from my normal relatively small pot into a
Maximising your crop of Tomatoes and Cucumbers
There are two crops inside the greenhouse that need regular attention now if you are to get the optimum crop
Tomato Troubles and Onions
You can never leave your tomatoes for a day before you find there is always something extra that you can
Start of the showing season with hundreds of flower and vegetable shows being held from now right through to October.
With the start of the showing season, one vegetable is giving me cause for concern and that is the celery.
Growing Your Own Vegetables – Kohl Rabi
This plant is easy to grow from seed and will take around ten weeks at this time of year from
Gringo Short Carrots
The vegetable that gave me most satisfaction last season was undoubtedly my short carrots, or stump carrots, as they are
Short Carrots – in particular Gringo – and whether or not they should conform to a certain length
A cultural problem? I have had numerous people contacting me regarding the length of short carrots and whether or not