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Welsh Branch Championships of the NVS 1999
There is no doubt that over the past few years this show has become one of the main events in
Staging Vegetables on the Show Bench – Peas
Peas are a good example of a vegetable that’s easily destroyed by careless handling and poor packaging; they should be
Cauliflowers and Beetroot
Cauliflowers are an extremely difficult vegetable to grow to perfection for a given show day and you need to have
Keeping Vegetables Fresh for the Show Bench – Celery
It’s worth remembering though that unlike pot plants, once you pull a vegetable from the soil, it’s effectively dead and
Buffalo, Bison and Toughball Onions
I first introduced the Buffalo onion on to the show scene when the National Vegetable Society Championships were held at
Clearing up the Vegetable Plot + Cauliflowers and Parsnips
It’s that time of year once again when most of the vegetable flower shows are over and we must make
Outstanding Vegetables + Parsnip and Celery Beds
It’s not often these days that we see something exceptionally good, either on the show bench or growing in the
Preparation & Planning for Next Season
Most of the preparatory work obviously gets done outside but there is valuable work to be done indoors as well.
Cleaning the Greenhouses
The main job now is to remove everything from both greenhouses and give them a real clean out as I
Onion and Leek Beds – Adding Fresh Seaweed
This year I intend to revert to my old system that I used when I won the best exhibit in