


Picture of Medwyn Williams

Medwyn Williams

Hello. I'm Medwyn Williams – eleven times Gold medal winner at the Chelsea Flower Show, Past Chairman of the Royal Horticultural Society Fruit Vegetable and Herb Committee and President of the National Vegetable Society.


What a lousy year  2012 proved to be weather wise.  I have never seen so much rain with the land and my garden completely water logged.  The Daily Mail confirmed this yesterday when it said that 2012 was the wettest year since records have begun . Early show were the worst victims with fewer entries than expected and even some of my vegetables for the Royal Welsh were late, particularly Radish.  They were sown on the usual date, six weeks before the show, and yet I was struggling to get enough bigger than my finger nail.

Things however really caught up towards the end of the year as the NVS Championships at Malvern must have been one of the best ever.  I don’t think I have seen so many exhibits of Short carrots at any National and congratulations to all the Judges  who really had their work cut out and did a great job.

Can I wish all my friends and fellow growers a very Happy, Peaceful and Prosperous New Year with hopefully much better growing weather for 2013.


1 thought on “Weather”

  1. Happy New Year Medwyn.

    Don’t know when i’m going to get on the land. Standing water everywhere and i’m not in a flood risk area. Crazy weather.

    Keep up with the blog

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