I had a new carrot on trial this year and I have just harvested some yesterday and it seems to be full of promise for next season. It’s definitely the best carrot that I have trialled so far that comes anywhere near to matching Sweet Candle. In fact I think the skin finish and the development of the stump is much better and quicker. These weren’t sown until the 20th of May so I don’t think I have yet seen its full potential. The seed will be for sale at Malvern show.

2 thoughts on “New Carrot”
Hi Medwyn
Last year i bought posidon stump carrot from you,with good results but you have not got it in this years catalogue ,what has happened to it.
thank you
R Stuart
Posidon carrot was unfortunately withdrawn by the breeder on its first year. We do however have an excellent new variety called octavo which is an excellent variety and could offer a serious challenge to Sweet Candle.