


5kg Ground Calcified Seaweed

SKU 0055 Category

This is the real calcified seaweed and not a substitute and sourced outside of Europe where it is legal to harvest it.  This is the one that is always part of the top exhibitors potato mixture as well as used in bore hole mixtures for all the tap roots. It has been specificaly ground down to my specification and is as fine as is possible to get it so that it quickly gets to work within your soil or compost mixture.

5kg Bag £12.50


Plant root hairs can directly feed from the calcifies seaweed reservoir of available balanced minerals and trace elements. These trace elements are quickly colonised by soil bacteria that creates humus and contributes to a better soil structure and root development. This allows plants to fully utilise the soil minerals and trace elements that are already present.


General rate –  75gms per square metre.

Compost Heaps – Apply 150gms every 30cm of organic matter.

Can also be used to correct soil acidity instead of lime. Use at dose rate indicated by test.

When to apply.

Can be used at any time of the year. Sprinkle on the surface of soil and then work into the top 10cm of soil. If applied early it may be left on surface to be washed in by the weather.

Powdered Calcified Seaweed is 100% Natural and Non Toxic.



This is the real calcified seaweed and not a substitute and sourced outside of Europe where it is legal to harvest it.  This is the one that is always part of the top exhibitors potato mixture as well as used in bore hole mixtures for all the tap roots. It has been specificaly ground down to my specification and is as fine as is possible to get it so that it quickly gets to work within your soil or compost mixture.

5kg Bag £12.50


Plant root hairs can directly feed from the calcifies seaweed reservoir of available balanced minerals and trace elements. These trace elements are quickly colonised by soil bacteria that creates humus and contributes to a better soil structure and root development. This allows plants to fully utilise the soil minerals and trace elements that are already present.


General rate –  75gms per square metre.

Compost Heaps – Apply 150gms every 30cm of organic matter.

Can also be used to correct soil acidity instead of lime. Use at dose rate indicated by test.

When to apply.

Can be used at any time of the year. Sprinkle on the surface of soil and then work into the top 10cm of soil. If applied early it may be left on surface to be washed in by the weather.

Powdered Calcified Seaweed is 100% Natural and Non Toxic.


Weight 5 kg


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