


Picture of Medwyn Williams

Medwyn Williams

Hello. I'm Medwyn Williams – eleven times Gold medal winner at the Chelsea Flower Show, Past Chairman of the Royal Horticultural Society Fruit Vegetable and Herb Committee and President of the National Vegetable Society.

RHS Show Westminster 8-9 October

The quality of the vegetables were really good at the Autumn RHS show, it always appears to be a very spectacular event within the great hall with an abundance of daylight coming through the huge domed glass roof. It’s always unfortunate for me that I struggle to get a report for Garden News as I’m inevitably chairing the FV& herb committee at 11am.  However I did get some pictures for your perusal.

3128 Duchess F1
Item 3128 Parsnip Duchess looked really well, it had good colour and slowly tapered down. I always knew this was a good variety so I may well give it a go next season. David Thornton had good parsnips as well on his collection of three kinds only to be pipped for the red card by Sherie Plumb.
Weighing pumpkin in the street at night
The Autumn show now has a class for the heaviest Pumpkin with a first prize of £1000. The Paton Brothers had two entries with the winner wighing over 1300lbs. Both Colin Spires, the other judge, and myself had a great time weighing those that had entered. They were all weighed on the pavement outside and then palleted indoors inside the RHS service lift
Weighing giant pumpkin in the street
Stuart Paton dropping his pumpkin gently on to the scales using his own slings to lift it from the trailer. The pumpkin is then lifted back onto a pallet.
Stuart Patton and wife with Giant Pumpkin (2)
Stuart Patton and wife with Giant Pumpkin
Tom Alley from London with Lark Sweet Corn (2)
Tom Alley from London with Lark Sweet Corn. Nice to see someone from the great city taking part.
Sherie Plumb coll 6 kinds
Sherie Plumb with her collection of 6 kinds. As usual her Runner Beans were exceptional for this time of year – she won the best dish in show with a set on another collection.
David Thornton
David Thornton, the NVS Secretary, is certainly back on form winning with a lovely set of New Red Intermediate long carrots.
N East Derbyshire DA
North East Derbyshire DA lads winning the Monroe Trophy for their their collection of ten kinds of vegetables. They  travelled down all night from the Nottingham area and were going back at 1.30 that afternoon. There must have been some snoring on the bus particularly with Smithy veg on it!!


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