


Picture of Medwyn Williams

Medwyn Williams

Hello. I'm Medwyn Williams – eleven times Gold medal winner at the Chelsea Flower Show, Past Chairman of the Royal Horticultural Society Fruit Vegetable and Herb Committee and President of the National Vegetable Society.

North East Show Pictures – Causey Inn

It’s been a few weeks since I last posted anything so here goes.  I must first apologies to all those exhibitors I took pictures of at the Midland Branch Championships. For the first time ever, when I downloaded them they came through fine but somehow or other I lost them, old age must be catching me up.  In the end I only had a couple of pictures from another camera which will be in Garden News.  Here are some pictures from the North East of England Show at Causey Inn , it really is getting to be quite a competitive event. I thoroughly enjoyed judging it even though I started at 9pm and didn’t finish until nearly 2am. Congratulations to John Soulsby and his team as well as the Causey Inn for organising what is fast becoming a permanent date in exhibitors calendar.

Jim Thompson Coll 6 kinds
Jim Thompson with the winning collection of six kinds. As usual with Jim it was super quality with his cauliflowers and parsnips particullalry good. The parsnip was Countess, not large but really top quality
Ian Stocks 3 Sweet Candle carrot
Ian Stocks 3 Sweet Candle carrot. Ian has had a tremendous year with both types of carrots. On this occassion he won with both his own New Red Intermediate and the Sweet Candle – what else! Would you belive he only pulled three to stage three! Sorry – he pulled a fourth just in case he could improve on the set.!!
Peter Glazebrook with is winning heaviest onion. His onions weren’t as big as last year, rest assured though – he’ll be back as strong as ever next season.
A bench full of Pot Leeks
Another bench full of Pot Leeks, the quality as well as the quantity staged is astonishing. Well done the NPLS and thanks for the mugs of tea.
David Metcalfe onions
David Metcalfe’s five onions grown from Pips whcih gives him this fantastic uniformity. The finsh on the bulbs was superb with the lovely marked veining. This remids me of a tell that david told me about Tom Henshaw, another great onion grower. Tom was at a show somewhere and standing close to his winning set of large onions when a chap stopped and asked him ‘ tell me’ he said ‘why have you won this class and this other fellow is only second’ ‘Ah’ said Tom, ‘you see those stripes around the onion, well I have 52 of those on mine, the other fellow has only 51’ – love it!
David Metcalfe 5 onions
David Metcalfe’s 5 onions absolutely beutifuly finished and so very even measuring 23 inches around. Personally though I do prefer a higher shouldered type of onion, but that’s me!! full of envy!
3242 Zenith tomato
Ron Hill from the Wirral with his winning dish of nine Zenith. A very even set with lovely fresh calyxes.
Peter Holden Coll 4 kinds 1 of each
Peter Holden Coll 4 kinds 1 of each. What a great grower Peter is he is never far away from the red cards at any show. I rarely award any vegetable 18 points, however, on this occassion, I was compelled to give his long carrot these points. It was large smooth and heavy and totally unmarked without even a hint of a nodule or lump on the root. Well done Peter. I was given this winning carrot from Peter and it’s now planted up amongst my own, hopefuly to add some more vigour to my seed selection next year..
Ronnie Jackson 5 Winston
Ronnie Jackson from Cumbria with his 5 winning Winston. Excellent uniformity and skin finish. Ronnie also won the ‘Best DIsh’ of poattaoes from the two classes on the schedule.
Ron Hill 9 Zenith tomatoes
Ron Hill with his well staged dish of Zenith.

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