Recent Posts
With the start of the showing season, one vegetable is
Vegetables for Chelsea Flower Show – Celery
Easter was early this year and it certainly brought with
Potatoes for Chelsea and August/September Shows
My two lots of potatoes are all laid out in trays in my garage and just in case of some
Best Dish in the Vegetable Section
One question in particualr seems to be unclear in the mind of many exhibitors, show schedule writers, show secretaries and
Planting Show Potatoes for Chelsea
You too, without much difficulty, can enjoy your own freshly harvested early potatoes from the middle of this May and
Being Vigilant and never leaving anything to Chance
To get to the very top with your hobby you most certainly have to be vigilant in all that you
Growing Giant Cabbages
A lot of people derive a great deal of pleasure and fun from trying to grow a particualr vegetable to
Growing for Showing – Parsnips and Celery
Sowing parsnips is always the first job outside for me every year and this year will no exception as I
Tomatoes and Onions
My tomatoes will be sown sometime today which will hopefully give me some to stage at the National Championships which
Potatoes and Leeks
Particularly vulnerable to frost at this time are the young sprouting shoots on your exhibition potatoes, do make sure that
Growing Cabinet
My growing cabinet has been fully utilised from early November with the leeks initially having the benefit and then followed
Gladiator and Excalibur Parsnips + Onions
This year, for the first time ever, I left my parsnip beds as they were without emptying them out to