


Octavo F1Carrot

SKU 3054 Category

I was very impressed with this variety that was trialled in 2015 and formed part of our Malvern Best Exhibit display that Autumn. This could be a real challenge to Sweet Candle with a smooth skin finish, a well stumped end which develops much earlier than Sweet Candle. Very uniform in shape and with a bright orange colour. The carrots in the picture were sown on the 20th May and were the first lot pulled from the bed mid September.

Price £2.50 for a minimum of 200 seed.


I was very impressed with this variety that was trialled in 2015 and formed part of our Malvern Best Exhibit display that Autumn. This could be a real challenge to Sweet Candle with a smooth skin finish, a well stumped end which develops much earlier than Sweet Candle. Very uniform in shape and with a bright orange colour. The carrots in the picture were sown on the 20th May and were the first lot pulled from the bed mid September.

Price £2.50 for a minimum of 200 seed.


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