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The Craft of Growing Vegetables for Showing
Believe me there is no better place to learn the craft of growing vegetables to the highest standard than by
Staging a Collection
The cauliflower is always classed as the queen of the vegetables but Mark Twain had another way of describing it
National Vegetable Society Championships
If you are a keen vegetable grower or even a grower with just a little bit of interest in vegetables
Don’t Get Disheartened
There’s nothing worse than having no success at all from a season of hard work, nothing perhaps going well, only
Battling the Elements + Newent Onion Fayre
The first two weeks in August were a nightmare for me as far as the weather went, apart from snow
Welsh Branch of the National Vegetable Society
The standard of the Welsh Show has always been very high and certainly on par with the national itself. It
NVS Championships 2001 and Weekend Seminar
The National Vegetable Society Championships were a great success once again this year, this time being held in Wales at
Laying the Foundations for Next Year
When you build a house the most important element is the foundation on which every wall in you house depends
Newent Onion Fayre and the Northern Branch Championships
On Saturday the 8th September I travelled down to judge the Newent Onion Fayre near Gloucester and what an interesting
Producing Leek Bulbils for next year and problems with Barrels splitting
All the leeks that I have exhibited to date have now been re planted with the purpose of producing more